Today Tomorrow • Finnish English
Metropolia Myllypuro
- Soy & cabbage casserole, potatoes and lingonberry sauce (G , M )
- Chicken kebab in tomato sauce and rice (G , M )
- Pottufalle vegetable balls, honey yogurt and vegetable rice (G , L )
- Pureed pea soup ( portion inc 2 napas and side salad) (G , M )
- Napas (G , L )
- Tomato & mozzarella baguette (LL )
- Chicken taco salad (G , M )
- Lingonberry & caramel quark (G , LL )
- Cheeseburger with French fries (also CHICKEN or HALLOUMI burger available) (L )
- Vegan burger with French fries (M )
- Sausage and chips (G , M )