Today Tomorrow • Finnish English
- Buffet lunch: Soy, noodles and vegetables seasoned with coconut (A+ , L , O+ )
- Buffet lunch: Pork and beef in soy and chili sauce (A+ , G , L , M )
- Buffet lunch: Vegetable noodles (A+ , L , M )
- Buffet lunch: Roasted rainbow trout (A+ , G , L , M )
- Buffet lunch: Pesto yoghurt (A+ , G , L )
- Buffet lunch: Roasted potatoes and root vegetables (G , L , M , VV )
- Soup in the cafe: Gardener's pureed root vegetable soup (A+ , L )
- Soup in the cafe: Roasted seeds (G , L , M , VV )
- Student lunch: Sicilian seitan pasta (A+ , L , M , O+ , VV )
- Student lunch: Taco-spiced chicken drumsticks (G , L , M )
- Student lunch: Garlic yoghurt sauce (A+ , G , L , O+ )
- Student lunch: Rice (G , L , M , VV )
- Vegetable lunch: Georgian cabbage casserole (A+ , G , L , O+ )
- Vegetable lunch: Lingonberry jam (G , L , M , VV )
- Lunch: Tuna and leaf spinach lasagnette (A+ , L , O+ )
- Lunch: Grilled pork steak (G , L , M )
- Lunch: Potatoes roasted with smoked paprika (G , L , M , O+ , VV )
- Lunch: Vegetables of the season (G , L , M , VV )
- Lunch: Tomato sauce (A+ , G , L )
- Vegetable sauce with Härkis (G , VV )
- Beetroot balls, soygurt (G , VV )
- Pike balls and horseradish sauce (G , L )
- Pork schnitzel,, mushroom sauce (L )
- Boiled potatoes (G , VV )
- Oat & lingonberry pie, vanilla sauce (G , VV )
Chemicum Opettajien ravintola
- Creamy vegetable sauce with bbq (G , L )
- Fishballs and danish remoulade (L )
- Vegetable lunchStudent €2.95/€5.50 /Personnel €5.89 / €6.10 / Guest €8.47 : Quorn in blue cheese sauce (A+ , G , L )
- Lunch Student €2.95/€5.50 /Personnel €5.89 / €6.10 / Guest €8.47: Ham pasta casserole A, L
- Soup Student €2.95/€5.50 /Personnel €5.89 / €6.10 / Guest €8.47: Rainbow trout soup (A+ , G , L )
- Dessert 1,35€: Waffle (A+ )
- Dessert 1,35€: Strawberry jam (G , L , M , VV )
- Dessert 1,35€: Whipped cream (A+ , G , L )
- Indian lentilsoup (G , VV )
- Creamy vegetable sauce with bbq (G , L )
- Vegetable balls and tzatziki sauce (G , VV )
- Chicken in cream cheese–tomato sauce (G , L )
- Gluten-free oats (G , VV )
No menu.Luova
- Vegaaninen kasvislounas : Seitania tomaatti-valkosipulikastikkeessa (A+ , L , M , O+ , VV )
- Vegaaninen kasvislounas : Tummaa riisiä (G , L , M , VV )
- Vegaaninen kasviskeitto: Yrttistä porkkanasosekeittoa (A+ , G , L , M , VV )
- Vegaaninen kasviskeitto: Paahdettuja siemeniä (G , L , M , VV )
- Lounas: Kalapyöryköitä (A+ , G , L , M )
- Lounas: Tartarjogurttia (A+ , G , L )
- Lounas: Paahdettua perunaa (G , L , M , VV )
- POP UP KITCHENISTÄ: Teriakipaahdettuja wingsejä ja limemajoneesia (A+ , L )
- POP UP KITCHENISTÄ: Bataattiranskalaisia (G , L , M , VV )
- POP UP KITCHENISTÄ: Kukkakaaliwingsejä (G , L , M , VV )
Metropolia Hämeentie
No menu.Physicum
- Baguette meal
- Panini
- Korean BBQ-fermented broad bean Bowl (G , VV )
- Smoked tofu Bowl (VV )
- Cottage Cheese Bowl (G , L )