Today Tomorrow Tu 18/2/2025 • Finnish English
- Buffet lunch: Mifulasagna, grilled bell pepper and leaf spinach (A+ , L , O+ )
- Buffet lunch: Carrot rice (G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Red perch and lemon-smetana sauce (A+ , G , L )
- Buffet lunch: Potatoes (G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Dill oil (G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Meatballs (A+ , L , M )
- Buffet lunch: Mashed potatoes (A+ , G , L )
- Buffet lunch: Pepper sauce (A+ , G , L )
- Buffet lunch: Lingonberry jam (A+ , G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Vegetables of the season (G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Cranberry and lingonberry pie with caramel whipped cream (A+ , L )
- Soup in the cafe: Pureed potato and leek soup and parsley (A+ , G , L )
- Soup in the cafe: Roasted seeds (G , L , M , VV )
- Student lunch: Aubergine and tomato stew with gremolata (A+ , L , M , O+ , VV )
- Student lunch: Rice (G , L , M , VV )
- Student lunch: BBQ seasoned chicken pasta and soybeans (A+ , L , M , O+ )
- The threat of a strike affects our wholesale deliveries. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Chili sin Carne (G , VV )
- Moroccan vegetable patties & and paprika mayo (G , VV )
- Fish seasoned with lime and parsley with chives sauce (L )
- Berry mousse (G , VV )
Chemicum Opettajien ravintola
- The threat of a strike affects our wholesale deliveries. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Sweet potato curry (G , VV )
- Fish seasoned with lime and parsley and Remoulade sauce (L )
- Boiled potatoes (G , VV )
- Gluten-free oats (G , VV )
- Steamed broccoli (G , VV )
No menu.Exactum
- Gluten-free oats (G , VV )
- Chili sin carne (G , VV )
- Roasted parsnip soup (G , VV )
- Vegetable balls and tomato sauce (G , VV )
- Chorizo meatballs with tomatosauce (L )
No menu.Luova
No menu.Metropolia Hämeentie
No menu.Physicum
- Baguette meal
- Lunch salad
- Panini