Today Tomorrow • Finnish English
- Buffet lunch: Härkis teriyaki (A+ , G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Rice and domestic oats (A+ , G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Smetana beef and mushroom stew (A+ , G , L )
- Buffet lunch: Roasted potatoes (G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Briossi BRG Pulled chicken & kimchi (A+ , L , M , O+ )
- Buffet lunch: Chili mayonnaise (A+ , G , L , M )
- Buffet lunch: Vegetables of the season (G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Marianne cookie trifle with strawberry (A+ , L , VV )
- Soup in the cafe: Pureed pea soup (A+ , G , L )
- Soup in the cafe: Roasted seeds (G , L , M , VV )
- Student lunch: Beetroot steaks (G , L , M , VV )
- Student lunch: Basil and lemon ghurt (A+ , G , L , M , VV )
- Student lunch: Roasted potatoes (G , L , M , VV )
- Student lunch: Crispy fish pieces (A+ , L , M )
- Student lunch: Tartar yoghurt (A+ , G , L )
- Student lunch: Boiled potatoes (A+ , G , L , M , VV )
- Quorn with pesto sauce (VV )
- Falafels and sweet and tzatziki sauce (G , VV )
- Frankfurter Stroganoff (L )
- Fried rainbow trot,, tartar sauce (G , L )
- Steamed rice (G , VV )
- Blueberry quark (G , VV )
Chemicum Opettajien ravintola
- Quorn with pesto sauce (VV )
- Pork Chops Korean BBq (G , L )
- Stemed vegatables (G , VV )
- Roasted carrots (G , M , VV )
- Vegetable lunchStudent €2.95/€5.50 /Personnel €5.89 / €6.10 / Guest €8.47 : Carrot and pesto lasagnette (A+ , L , O+ )
- Lunch Student €2.95/€5.50 /Personnel €5.89 / €6.10 / Guest €8.47: Pork in soy-ginger sauce (A+ , G , L , M , O+ )
- Soup Student €2.95/€5.50 /Personnel €5.89 / €6.10 / Guest €8.47: Asian fish soup (A+ , G , L , M )
- Curd pancake (A+ , L )
- Strawberry jam (G , L , M , VV )
- Whipped cream (A+ , G , L )
- Chili con Unlimited Jauhis (G , VV )
- Peanut and vegetable puree soup (G , VV )
- Cabbage rolls & lingonperryjam (G , VV )
- Tomato–basil sausage (G , L )
- Gluten-free oats (G , VV )
No menu.Luova
- Burgundinpataa soijalla ja kasviksilla (A+ , L , O+ )
- Keitettyjä perunoita (A+ , G , L , M , VV )
- Kuohkeaa valkopapusosekeittoa (A+ , L , M , VV )
- Paahdettuja siemeniä (G , L , M , VV )
- Jauhelihapihvejä ja metsäsienikastiketta (A+ , L )
- Paahdettua perunaa (G , L , M , VV )
- POP UP KITCHENISTÄ: Teriakipaahdettuja wingsejä (A+ , L )
- POP UP KITCHENISTÄ: Kasvisnuudelia (A+ , G , L , M , VV )
- POP UP KITCHENISTÄ: Soijapalaa teriyakikastikkeessa (A+ , G , L , M , VV )
Metropolia Hämeentie
No menu.Physicum
- Baguette meal
- Lunch salad
- Panini