Today Tomorrow Fr 23/2/2024 • Finnish English
- Buffet lunch: Organic tofu and fried rice (A+ , G , L , M , O+ , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Smoked pork sauce with bacon (A+ , G , L , O+ )
- Buffet lunch: Spaghetti (A+ , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Grated pasta cheese (A+ , G , L )
- Buffet lunch: Courgette and rainbow trout with sour cream (A+ , G , L )
- Buffet lunch: Oven baked potatoes and root vegetables (G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Seasons vegetables (G , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Berry and rye pie (A+ , L , M , VV )
- Buffet lunch: Vanilla custard (A+ , G , L )
- Soup in the cafe: Pureed broccoli soup (A+ , G , L )
- Student lunch: Organic tofu and fried rice (A+ , G , L , M , O+ , VV )
- Student lunch: Smoked pork sauce with bacon (A+ , G , L , O+ )
- Student lunch: Spaghetti (A+ , L , M , VV )
- Student lunch: Grated pasta cheese (A+ , G , L )
- Horse bean bolognese (G , VV )
- Herring with chili and tomato (G , L )
- Chicken bolognese (G , L )
- Oat and rhubarb pie, vanilla sauce (G , L )
Chemicum Opettajien ravintola
- Falafels and salsa verde (G , VV )
- Broad bean bolognese (G , VV )
- Chicken bolognese (G , L )
- Whole grain spaghetti (VV )
- Broccoli (G , VV )
- Vegetable lunch 2,95/ 5,50 € 5,72 € / 6,10 € / 8,47 €: Falafel patties (G , L , M , VV )
- Vegetable lunch 2,95/ 5,50 € 5,72 € / 6,10 € / 8,47 €: Yoghurt sauce with basil and garlic (A+ , G , L , O+ )
- Lunch 2,95/ 5,50 € 5,72 € / 6,10 € / 8,47 €: Swedish hash (A+ , G , L )
- Lunch 2,95/ 5,50 € 5,72 € / 6,10 € / 8,47 €:
- Peas of Heaven bolognese (G , VV )
- Chorizo meatballs with BBQ sauce (L )
No menu.Luova
No menu.Metropolia Hämeentie
No menu.Physicum
- Baguette meal
- Lunch salad
- Panini